Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Philosophy for Living

In the Spring semester of 2019, several sections of students enrolled in a First Year Seminar have been studying and discussing what it means to live a good human life.  We discussed the emotion and happiness; fear of death; and the sources and conditions that make it possible for humans to flourish and live well.  As the semester continues, we will be discussing a variety of historical and philosophical perspectives on these topics, investigating what they have to teach us for our lives today.

In this class blog, we will be going beyond those readings to explore the significance of these issues for us today. Posts will include:
  • Links and discussions to articles and news items, discussing how these relate to issues discussed in our class;
  • Analyses of movies, books, and songs that offer perspectives on happiness or the good life;
  • And any other ideas that come to mind.
Feel free to post and contribute to the discussion!  Any constructive and thoughtful feedback is welcome.