Sunday, December 1, 2019

Snowden and the Ring of Gyges

Edward Snowden is a world famous whistleblower known for disclosing top secret documents of surveillance programs that the NSA was conducting. Snowden was selected to run these programs due to his high level of intelligence and skills in the surveillance field. Essentially, Snowden had the power to spy or anyone or anything by hacking cameras and other electronic devices. The system was initially designed to avoid terrorist activity and serious crime. However, Snowden recognized the ability to abuse this power and deprive the masses of their privacy.

Very much like the Ring of Gyges, Snowden had the power to abuse an individual's privacy and not be caught. Rather than abusing this power, he decided to expose the corruption and let the public know what they were secretly being subjected to. Snowden was able to avoid his appetites' cravings and was able to rationally maintain control of himself.


  1. I'm always surprised by the connections that people find! I had never thought of using the Ring of Gyges story this way before. But I suppose a lot of situations that invite abuse of power can fit with it.

  2. Dylan i found this post very interesting and insightful. The more we learn about philosophy the more places i seem to see it come up in everyday life.

  3. I really like this connection that you made, Dylan! Reading and hearing things like this really interests me. There are so many people in the world who would have taken advantage of the opportunity that Snowden was given, but he did the right thing. I wonder what it is that allows for some people to overcome such great temptations, while others give in to the smallest of temptations?
