Friday, December 6, 2019

The pleasure of friendship

Thanksgiving break gave me the opportunity to see friends that I had not seen in a while since college had started. Some of these friends go to college in different states hours away so I do not get to see them often. Being able to spend time with my friends and family over break gave me a lot of pleasure. After learning about Epicureanism this semester and how Epicurus believes that friendship is very important for finding happiness in life, it made me appreciate the time I got to spend with my friends over break even more. Epicurus also believed that in true friendship a person feels the other's joy and sadness as deeply as their own. I was able to affirm this in my own relationships. One of my friends in particular has been going through a difficult situation. I have known this person my whole life and he is like a brother to me. I felt his pain as my own and really enjoyed the time I got to spend with him.

Every good memory I have my friends are there with me, and every bad memory I have my friends were there to get me through it. Friends to me are the most important thing in life because they bring me happiness and help me when I am suffering. Learning about Epicurus's beliefs about friendship helped me to appreciate friendship even more and remember to enjoy every moment I get to spend with my friends.

1 comment:

  1. You perfectly described how I felt after my thanksgiving break Cade!From a lot of joy of seeing them to all the memories I made with them. It truly shows you how much time you invest into those relationships and how much they can mean to you. Your example covers all of Epicurus's ideas of a friendship perfectly and the importance of it, from having a great time with your friends to feeling your friends pain during his time of difficulty as if it were you going through the same tragedy. You also spent time with your friend during his hard times to help him in the best way you could, which he will remember forever and return the favor when you need someone to rely on.
    Good job you did good covering Epicurus idea of happiness through the importance of Friendship.
