The movie "When the Game Stands Tall" is a perfect example of how going through tough situations will bring growth.
The movie is about a football team that had the highest winning streak record for any high school in history. The whole town had parades for the team when they came home from winning. Sadly, when the new season started the team lost the streak. When this happened the team seemed to fall apart. They could not get out of their funk and began losing many games. Another bad thing also happened, one night a team member was picking up his friend from a party and got shot. The team and coach were lost with what to do, but ultimately came to the conclusion that they should not feel sorry for themselves or use any of their suffering as an excuse to not win games. Instead, the team decided that they would play their hardest for their teammate who lost his life. They went on to win their hardest game of the whole season and learned a much bigger lesson in the process.
Without going through this adversity the team would not have pushed themselves to their maximum level, earning them another championship. While it was never easy to lose the streak or lose a teammate, the De La Salle football team took their tragedies and turned them into motivation. So in the end, I believe adversity is the best way to overcome and push your limits to uncover abilities that were unknown before.
I completely agree adversity is vital in order to reach success. Without struggles we would never push our limits and find out how great the things we can accomplish can be. Like Nietzsche says, "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger". We need to experience bad things so that we can grow and face struggles with confidence that we can overcome them in the future.