Tuesday, April 16, 2019

What is Flow?

Flow has three key ideas. These being, There's a clear challenge that fully engages your attention; you have the skills to meet the challenge; and you get immediate feedback about how you are doing at each step. The progress principle ties into this because it states that pleasure comes more from making progress towards a goal than from actually accomplishing your goal. One example was when I was at baseball practice, during high school, I had to pitch during practice. My coach told me to strike the batter out in three pitches. He would give me feedback after every pitch on what I was doing right or wrong. It took me several batters but I overcame the challenge and struck out the batter within three pitches. I grew better as a pitcher from learning what I had accomplished and not giving up when I couldn't strike them out in three pitches.

Image result for baseball


  1. It is always good to bring sports into this idea of "flow"! One of my personal experiences that I associate with it, is running. I use to run cross country and at first it was absolutely terrible. We had to always get up early for practices and run 2-3 miles daily. But, when meets came around, all of that was worth it. Once you find your pace while you are running, you just get in the zone and that's the only thing you are really focused on, nothing else around you matters. It almost becomes easy when you find that pace that is just right for you because all of a sudden you aren't thinking of being tired or wanting to stop, you are just focused on running.

  2. When I think of the concept of "flow" I think of writing an essay. While writing I get submerged into the content I am discussing. It becomes the only thing I am focusing on. "Flow" to me is getting in the zone and really tuning into what I am doing. Writing and reading are the most intense ways I experience this. It's amazing to see how I can become so involved in one thing specifically.

  3. When I think of this, it reminds me of when I first started playing golf. It seemed like i couldn't figure out how to hit the ball straight consistantly. After my coach gave me a rythm to do in my head to keep everything in my swing in a constant "flow" i was able to fix that problem and start hitting my the golf ball straight consistantly.
